Sami Al Kour, Above the clouds

Price: 5500 USD
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 130 x 130cm

Sami Al Kour, Above the clouds

In this globally challenging time that we are living due to the pandemic of covid 19, it was a long-needed chance for me to spend time with my inner self. Away from the noisiness of daily life, I got the opportunity to meditate, think, read, listen to music and to paint.

Within my aloneness on a 7th floor apartment, I felt like becoming part of the clouds that I watch every day. Being an introvert that always appreciates the time I spend alone, the feeling of being above the clouds has deeply touched me as well.

I wanted to express these particular emotions by this painting that I named “Above the clouds”. Through it, I represent a female figure, within a meditative posture, flying within her own thoughts without restrictions. And within her nudity she further expresses a freedom that surpasses even her own body.

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