Peter Alexander

November 05, 1997 to December 05, 1997
Galerie Janine Rubeiz

Peter Alexander

Peter Alexander is a native of Los Angeles, California and it is that city which has inspired

his œuvre. From his renderings of fantastical sunsets to his impressions of illuminated undersea life to his representations of the vast glittering nighttime metropolis, Alexander constantly fascinates us with the city's light and drama. From the beginning of his career this artist has received acclaim for the intensity of his involvement with Light.

Peter Alexander's art has been exhibited and collected throughout the United States and Europe. One can find his work in the collections of all the major institutions and museums of the U.s, including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Museum, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

L'exposition des œuvres de Peter Alexander a eu lieu le 5 novembre 1997 à Beyrouth à la galerie Janine Rubeiz. Pour tout complément d'information sur l'artiste et ses oeuvres veuillez contacter la galerie. Conception et réalisation Galerie Janine Rubeiz ®. Toute reproduction même partielle des fiches d'artistes est interdite sans autorisation prealable de la galerie


"One of the talents I most like and admire about Peter, as an artist and as a person, is his

ability to communicate alive-ness. He is intensely aware of his surroundings and responds to people and places with an acutely critical, objective observation as well as a highly intuitive sense which sometimes borders on an understanding beyond a mere physical reality. He has the courage and intelligence to inform his work with what he sees and feels, regardless of how absurd or simpleminded his renditions may at first seem to the conventional eye and mind.

Don Bachardy