The aim of this group show tends to confront different tendances of lebanese painters who chose the abstract art as a mode of picture expression. They are all born in Lebanon, few live in it, and others chose to live abroad.
The comparison between different works is going to help deepen the meaning of each picture, whether it is revealing of an identity, a memory, or whether it is, on the contrary, hermetic and ignores any formal or informal definition, and filtrates only the language of colors.
This is a selection of work signed by young or confirmed artists.
The participants:
Yvette Achkar (1928)
Etel Adnan (1925)
Rima Amyuni (1957)
Youssef Aoun (1965)
Huguette Caland (1931)
Joseph Chahfé (1959)
Mohamad El Rawas (1951)
Mansour El Habre (1970)
Laure Ghorayeb (193 1)
Bassam Geitani (1962)
Joseph Harb (1964)
Aram Jughian (1959)
Jamil Molaeb (1948)
Edgard Mazigi (1955)
Joanna Rizk (1969)
Hanibal Srouii (1957)
Mahmoud Zibawi (1962)